Clock Group

A new group that started in late 2018 is the clock group.

So far they have completed a mantle clock and are looking at another example of a mantle clock in the near future.

One of the aims of the group is to eventually make a grandfather clock.

So currently the group is about building up skills to be able to take on more challenging models.

Currently this group is in recess.  If there is enough interest another group can be organized. Please speak to a committee member if interested.

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Contact Us

The Warragul Woodworkers Club Inc

375  Lillico Rd, Warragul
P.O. Box 856 Warragul, Vic. 3820
03 5644 3068 

 (we often can not hear the phone)

email the secretary at


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Warragul Woodworkers Club Inc..

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Site designed by 
Bruce Langdon Design


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